


Viralheatはテレビショーに関するTwitter (Twitter), Facebook (Facebook), YouTube (YouTube), Google Buzz and other sourcesにおける書き込みを調査しました






★★Does Online Buzz Mean Better TV Ratings? [INFOGRAPHIC]


Then Viralheat compared the social media buzz with the Nielsen TV ratings for each show. Does chatter on the web equate to eyeballs on TV screens?

Not necessarily. Their research determined:

* Online buzz does not always correlate with ratings.
* Sentiment analysis of social media chatter casts those mentions in a new light.
* Even when ratings are lukewarm (as was the case for the Lost season finale) social media chatter can be overwhelming in volume. But a lot of those mentions online expressed a negative sentiment.
* Some shows, including Dancing With The Stars, saw good TV ratings but not many mentions online.

All in all, Viralheat found that Nielsen ratings combined with social media sentiment analysis provided the best snapshot of how a show’s season finale performed with viewers.

日本ナレッジマネジメント学会専務理事山崎秀夫borg7of9 twitter

<ソーシャルテレビ> テレビの視聴率とインターネットでのバズの関係: SNS,ソーシャルネットワーキング.jp

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