Dear Mr. Smith, →「スミス殿(男性にたいして)」
Dear Mr. 男性, →「~殿(男性にたいして)」
Dear Ms. Smith, →「スミス殿(女性にたいして)」
Dear Ms. 女性, →「~殿(女性にたいして)」
Dear Sir, →「担当者殿(男性1名を想定)」
Dear Sirs, →「各位(男性複数を想定)」
Dear Madam, →「担当者殿(女性1名を想定)」
Dear Madams, →「各位(女性複数を想定)」
Dear Sir/Madam, →「担当者殿(男性か女性か分からない1名)」
Dear Sirs/Madams, →「各位(男性複数及び/または女性複数を想定)」
Dear customer service, →「カスタマーサービス御中」
Dear sales representative, →「販売担当者殿」
Dear Dr. Hamada, →「浜田博士殿」(PhD の保持者や医師に対し使います。男性も女性も関係なく使います。)
Dear ファーストネーム, →「~さん」
※Dear を省略して、Mr. Smith, などとすることも多いようです。
To whom this may concern, (誰またはどの部署がメールを受け取るかわからない場合など。)
My name is ○○ and I am a researcher at ABC.
My name is ○○ and I am in charge of ~ at ABC.
My name is ○○ and I work at ABC.
My name is Jane Hayashi and I am sending you my resume.
I am Dr. King and I specialize in ubiquitous technology.
☆自分に対しても、Dr. を使うことがあります。このように紹介する人に対しては、Dr. をつけて呼ぶようにするとよいです。
How are you?
How is the ABC project going?
How is ○○ going?
I hope the ABC project is going well.
※I hope (that) ~ を日本語にすると、うまくいっていないと心配しているようにも聞こえますが、英語ではニュートラルな響きの表現です。
I hope ○○ is going well.
How are you doing in the new office?
I hope you are doing well in the new environment.
I hope you enjoyed the winter holidays.
I hope this email will find you well.
※冒頭の文としてよく使われる決まり文句です。find をSVOC形で使っています。
I haven't seen you for a long time.
Long time no see.
I am sorry for my delayed reply.
The reason why I am writing this email to you is I'd like to ask some questions about ~.
The reason why I am writing this email to you is I'd like to ~.
I am writing this email because I'd like to ~.
I am emailing you because I'd like to ~.
Attached is a report on the new product.
Attached please find specifications for the PMI project.
Please find attached the revised estimate for repairing the control unit.
I have attached a new catalog of our latest products.
Attached to this email, please find the revised contract.
Attached is ~.
I have attached ~.
※似た表現に Enclosed is ~. 「~を同封しました」があります。
I have enclosed ~.
Thank you very much for your email.
Thank you very much for your help.
Thank you very much for sending me the presentation file.
Thank you very much for sending me the book.
Thank you very much for helping me on the project.
Thank you very much for ~
Thank you for sending me the presentation file.
※Thank you for sending me ... とすることで、送信してくれたことに対する感謝と、受信確認の両方を伝えることができます。
I really appreciate your looking over my report.
We really appreciate your help.
感謝のメッセージはポジティブな響きで印象も良いですので、冒頭の文としても便利です。お客様に出すさまざまメールや問い合わせに対する返信も Thank you ... から始めることができます。
Thank you very much for your inquiry.
Thank you very much for your interest in our product.
Thank you very much for your patronage.
Please send me information on the product.
Please send me information on ~.
Please send me more information on ~.
Please send me the file.
Please send me your report as soon as possible.
Please send me the invoice by the end of the month.
Please send us the presentation file by Wednesday.
Please remit the application fee by Oct. 1.
Please send us your technical proposal by July 5.
Please send me the itinerary by Jan. 20.
※日付は January 20th, 20th of January などと書くこともできますが、月は省略形、日にちは単に数字を書くだけで問題ありません。
Please email me your resume.
Please email me your CV with a current photo.
Please send the samples to the followng address.
I have questions about the software.
Please let me ask some questions about the specifications of the product.
Please let me ask some questions about ~.
I'd appreciate it if you could answer the following questions. (とても丁寧)
I'd like to know more about the software.
I am looking forward to finding out more about your research. (前向きな表現)
I still haven't received your product.
I still haven't received the file.
I still haven't received your report.
I still haven't received information on your product.
I still haven't received ~.
I still haven't received information on ~.
I have yet to receive your application.
We have yet to receive your payment.
I received the file.
I received the package yesterday.
I have already received the file.
※現在完了形には "yesterday" など過去のある時点を示す単語はつけません。いつ受け取ったかを述べる場合は過去形にします。
I received the file but I could not open it. Please send it again.
Thank you for sending me the contract.
Thank you for sending me the invoice; however, I still have not received the products.
※Thank you for sending me ... と始めた場合は、I received ... は不要です。
I sent money from a Japanese bank today.
We have already sent you the product.
I have already emailed you the information you requested.
I sent you the invoice today.
I emailed you the invoice yesterday.
I emailed you information on the product yesterday.
Have you received my email about the product?
Have you received my email about ~?
Have you received my report about ~?
Have you received the file?
Have you received ~?
Do you have the product in stock?
Do you have ~ in stock?
How many more do you have in stock?
Do you have any other variations?
When can you ship out the product that I ordered?
When do you get more red ones?
Please pay the fee by the end of the month.
Please contact me by the end of the month.
Please help us translate the report.
Please submit the report as soon as possible.
Please send us the invoice by Friday.
Please let me know if you can attend the sales meeting.
Please let me know if you can ~
It would be nice if you could pick me up at the airport.
It would be nice if you could ~.
Let me know what you think about the plan.
Let me know if you can come pick me up at the airport.
Let me know if you can ~.
Please let me know when is convenient for you.
Let me know if you have any trouble.
Please let me know if you can attend the meeting by 5:00 tomorrow.
※もちろん please を付けるほうが丁寧です。
I was wondering if you could help me on the project.
I was wondering if you could ~.
I'd appreciate it if you could help me on the project.
I'd appreciate it if you could ~.
It would be great if you could go over my report.
It would be great if you could ~
※Please ~ とするよりも丁寧な表現です。
Please feel free to ask me any questions.
Please ask me any questions you have about the product.
Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Please reply by 5:00 tomorrow.
Please reply as soon as possible.
Please give us your answer by May 14.
I would appreciate your prompt reply.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
※look forward to の "to" は不定詞ではないので注意してください。
※soon を加えることもできます。
Hope to hear from you soon.
Regards, / Best regards, →メールで一般的な結辞(知っている人に使う)
Sincerely, / Yours sincerely, / Sincerely yours, →私信に使う少しフォーマルな結辞(知らない人にも使う)。Dear representative, などと始めた場合は結辞は Sincerely 系で良い。
Truly yours, / Yours truly, / Very truly yours, →とてもフォーマル
Faithfully yours, / Yours faithfully, →とてもフォーマル、Dear Sir, や Dear Madam, (相手の名前がわからない場合)で始めた場合に使う。
Respectfully, /Respectfully yours, / Yours respectfully, / Very respectfully yours, →とてもフォーマル
Thanks, →このように終わる事もあります。
※Sincerely, は私信の結辞とされていますが、多くのレターは個人が書いた物なので現在ではフォーマルなレターでも広く使われています。